Tagged: Public Serice Broadcasting

Mini review: “The Race For Space” by Public Service Broadcasting


I heard one of the band members talking on the radio about how they go about making their music and it sounded really interesting, so I checked this out.  They find old audio recordings and then make music around them.  This album is all about the early space race, so they are using snippets from NASA and the Russian space agency archives.

It can be vibrant and funky but also poignant, suspenseful and sad. These are reflections on real events and as such they showcase the full range of emotions involved in taking those first few steps towards one of mankind’s greatest endevours.

This is not something that I would have been aware of if I hadn’t heard it on the radio and I wondered at first why I like it so much.  Then it occurred to me that lately I have been drifting off to sleep listening to the soundtrack from the film Gravity and Jean Michel Jarre’s Equinoxe.  It fits right in.

A word about the cover art.  The cover of the album that you will normally see is the image above – the “USA” version.  However on the other side is the “Russian” version.  These are interchangeable.  Here’s the Russian version:
