Mini review: “Black Wolf” by Juan Gómez-Jurado (audiobook edition)

There’s no way around it – this sequel to Red Queen and the middle book in the trilogy of the same name is a disappointment. The book is getting better reviews than the first and there are comments about a better translation (although I had no real issues with the translation of Red Queen) so it should have been a good step up. But is isn’t.

The book is not really about the Black Wolf character of the title. There is too much repetition in the text and an over-reliance on buddy-buddy policing when what it really needs is a serious core, proper character development and some good quality writing that propels the story forward. Then a lacing of dark humour can add something special.

The important stuff seems to be happening in the background. Mentor is evidently dealing with some serious shit that is going to come to light in the next book. Black Wolf does enough in the last few pages to leave you wanting to find out more; I’m hoping that the final book is worth it. I will listen to it (my first Spanish audiobook as the translation is not due out until next year) but it will have to be something truly special.

• Spare Cycles: Mini review: “Red Queen” by Juan Gómez-Jurado (audiobook edition)

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